From - Texas Landowners for Eminent Domain Reform
Dear All, (please forward this email to friends, colleagues, and other property owners)
I am pleased to tell all of you that the following bills designed to help property owners during a condemnation process is on the intent calendar for a Senate floor vote on Monday at 3 pm. All your efforts to pass these bills to reform eminent domain have helped this important legislation pass out of the Senate State Affairs committee and can move toward Senate passage on the floor.
Now is the time to write your LOCAL State Senator and ask them to Support the following 4 bills which are all up for a floor vote on Monday, March 18 at 3 pm.
Ask your Senator to support these 4 bills all to be voted on in the Senate on Monday:
CSSB 421 Kolkhorst Omnibus Bill Regarding Private Entities
SB421 is an omnibus bill that a) requires additional standard property protections in all easement terms with basic information for a property owner regarding a private entity’s project; and b) encourages offers from private condemnors be made at fair market value. (Note: This bill has now evolved from its original form, expect amendments on the floor).
SB 552 Schwertner Survey Permission
SB 552 provides property owners information about their rights relating to the survey of their property by an eminent domain authority. The bill requires landowners to be informed of their rights in the negotiation of a survey and other related provisions. It also provides that the details of these rights also be incorporated in a Survey Permission Form if used by a condemning authority.
SB 553 Schwertner Purchase of Additional Property
SB 553 requires a condemning entity make a separate and clearly identifiable offer for additional land needed that is not related to land acquired through condemnation.
SB 554 Schwertner Right to Repurchase Property
SB 554 amends current statute relating to the right to repurchase property from a condemning entity. The legislation allows a landowner the right to repurchase property if the condemning entity does not prove that “actual progress” toward the stated public use of a taking is made within a ten-year period.
Please personalize your message, especially if you have been a property owner affected by eminent domain. To email, do so by typing their
Here are our local DFW Senators:
Dist. 2 - Bob Hall -
Dist. 8 - Angela Paxton -
Dist. 9 - Kelly Hancock -
Dist. 10 - Beverly Powell -
Dist. 12 - Jane Nelson -
Dist. 16 - Nathan Johnson -
Dist. 23 - Royce West -
Passing the above Senate bills would then move them over to the appropriate House Committee, Land & Resource Management.
Reforming eminent domain is about "due process" for ALL Texans. Reforming the process is in the state platform of both political parties.o participate.....